Thursday, August 12, 2010

Effects of working with LP

From the Leadership IQ survey,

  •  87% of the employees say that working with LP has made them want to change jobs.
    •  This will end in a hidden HR politic were only the LP will be retained by the organizations
  • 93% of employees say that working with a LP has decreased their productivity
Studies on helping in the organizations focus in the OCB ( Organizational citizenship behavior ) which is a contructive behavior, not required by the employee’s job and intended to make a positive contribution to the organization, including helping colleagues with their work

But in the paper “Peer responses to low performers: an attributional model of helping in the context of groups” ( Academy of Management Review 2001, Vol 26) the autors describe how do the colleagues help the low performers, according to three attributional dimensions:

  • Causality: Refers whether the perceived cause is in the autor ( internal ) or in the situation ( external ) 
  • Controllability: Assesses beliefs about whether the actor can influence cause that determine the outcome of an event
  • Stability: Assesses whether the cause of an event is permanent ( stable ) or varies over time and context ( unstable)

 The colleagues will react trying to:

  • Motivate
  • Train
  • Compensate ( perform some of the low performer’s tasks )
  • Reject

 In any case, an expensive time investment, to compensate someone’s limitations

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